• 3rd February 2021 at 07:00pm

    On standby


Des gestes blancs

  • Naïf production


    acorbatics and dance

  • 45mn
    Ages 6 and up
© Mirabelle White
© Mirabelle White
© Mirabelle White
© Anne Breduillieard
© Mirabelle White
© Anne Breduillard



A man in a duet with his son questions the idea of the paternal bond and attempts to perform a physical essay on the filial relationship. Together, they explore the figure of father and child without fabricating a particular story. They invite us to enter into their relationship and become as intimate as possible to their games and their complicity.

Des gestes blancs [White gestures] reveals an artistic tandem that, through the imbalance of its forces, seeks its distances and plays with its interrogations. The choreography of lifts where the image of one is only the reflection of the other becomes distorted in time and space.

"In this piece, all the questions of gravitation, balance, weight and counterweight, volumes, flaws, passages, negotiation of intensities, infiltrations, feints, dodges, gifts, and abandonment, are examined anew, through two bodies so totally dissimilar, yet so formidably close. One is still an extension of the other. But he is nonetheless elsewhere, radical in his difference. It must be said that the child's personality comes into play: certainly mischievous, playful, and happy, but above all, sure of himself and his being. And his being in a relationship. Experiencing the relationship first and foremost."

–  Gérard Mayen, Danser Canal historique

Project initiator Sylvain Bouillet
On stage Sylvain and Charlie Bouillet
Dramaturgy Lucien Reynès
Artistic consultants Sara Vanderieck and Mathieu Desseigne
Light design Pauline Guyonnet
Soundscape and live electro music Christophe Ruetsch

Production Naïf 
Production / Coproduction Les Hivernales in Avignon / Le Cratère in Alès / CCN Malandain Ballet Biarritz / Le Pacifique in Grenoble as part of the (re)connaissance 2016 program
Support KLAP Maison pour la danse de Marseille / Agora Cité internationale de la danse de Montpellier / DRAC PACA / City of Avignon

Naïf Production was selected by the network Aerowaves 2019

"On stage, the notion of ‘I’ is in play, being played, and a role-playing game that is exchanged, borrowed, and blended. The artists are in fusion, in transmission, in trust, in individuality. And their dance follows their states, uneven, moving, carnal, fluid, obvious, beautiful. Carved in the truth of the moment, varying at each performance according to Charlie’s feelings, it is the movement of life."

– IO Gazette

Naïf Production is a factory for live shows and collective adventures created by Sylvain Bouillet, Mathieu Desseigne-Ravel, and Lucien Reynès.

These three acrobats use the unique and intimate relationship between their artistic language and the gravity of their bodies to try to make the gravity of the world dance. Based on themes of imbalance, resistance, and effort, they develop fictions composed of images and gestures where physical commitment is always at the forefront.

The artists extend this engagement beyond the stage by carrying out collective and individual initiatives, and by seeking a mode of organization founded on the philosophy of the cooperative. Each project is an opportunity to reinvent new architectures for being and working together. The result is a fragile space of friction where deciding is neither managing nor owning.


  • Wednesday 3 February 07:00pm